In this four week online class you’ll get out of your own way, be in the moment while connecting to a scene partner and reading copy. Sound like too many balls in the air at once? Not at all. It’s called cold reading with confidence and is the foundation for strong self tapes.
When you get an audition, don’t rush to try and memorize the text, that’s not what it’s about. We think that’s going to give us relaxation, confidence, focus…help us to be free. It doesn’t. It gives us stress and puts us in a box. When you rush to memorization you’re memorizing patterns and a blueprint of the way you “think” the scene “should” be done.
Read it, start to absorb it. Ask “what does the text want to do with me?” When I get me out of my own way the question then becomes “what am I being asked to look at in my life?”
Actor’s I work with on occasion ask “Do you mean my life or the character’s life?” There’s no difference. We all have conflict, it’s human nature. We’re lucky we do. It gives us something to work with. To dig into and be with. Same thing with the character. We’re all works in progress.
Let the text do you. What’s happening to and with me when I run it? Your click will be the same as the character’s. Don’t think about it, don’t analyze it. Don’t use “oh this is the character, and this is me…blah blah blah.” That’s a defense mechanism keeping us away from what it is we’re meant to be working on and looking to resolve. You’ll come out the other side having done strong work and more of who you’re meant to be.