Nov 2-3 BERLIN: Resolution

Writing should always be an important part of creatives working in film. When we write, our head, our heart, and our hand connect. A flow takes place. We get out of our own way and the mind settles. We uncover raw truth that we may not have seen before.

For this workshop you will be using material from your own life to write and act from your gut which will then be professionally shot on video for you to add to or create a demo reel.

It begins here:

Write a letter to someone with whom you have an unresolved issue. Someone important to you from your past or present.

I encourage you to write it by hand. Don’t pull any punches… let ’em have it. And don’t worry, you won’t be mailing it. State your issue at the start of your letter. Cut to the chase. Let the pen go… this is not meant to be high art. Spill onto the page what your body needs to say. Yes, I invite you to write your letter to that one person you don’t want to.

When finished, set it off to the side and step into their shoes having just read your letter. Write you back. Drop in. Let them speak from your gut not your
brain. Trust me when I say “They are within you”. Let them write out all they need to say. Your head may say “they would never respond” or “they would have nothing to say.” Give them the ability and willingness to (maybe for the first time in their life) respond truthfully and hold nothing back.

When finished, set this one aside as well.
You now have 2 strong self-written monologues. Don’t rewrite or critique. Trust they are enough… as are you.

Bring them to our first day of class and be prepared to create a 60-90 second monologue of work that resounds with change, truth, and a powerful aspect of who you are that you will have on video.

It’s time for you to be seen, heard, and recognized.


NOV 2-3, 10a-5p


EARLY BIRD (before Oct 15) 225€

REGULAR (after Oct 15) 250€


University of Europe for Applied Sciences // Campus Berlin
Dessauer Str. 3-5
10963 Berlin

Contact Christina to sign up at or click the button below